Application for a Residency at HALLE 14 in Leipzig (Germany)
Application deadline: Mar 13, 2022, 23:59 (CET)
Please send to: Claudia Gehre
HALLE 14 – Centre for Contemporary Art
Tel.: +49 (0)341 492 42 02
I hereby apply for a residency in Leipzig (Germany) in the framework of the cooperation between the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki and HALLE 14 – Centre for Contemporary Art. I accept the terms as outlined below.
Full name:
Street address:
Postal code, City: Country:
Telephone: Email:
Date of birth: Website:
I learned about the Fellowship Program through:
I am applying as  an artist
 an author
Residency period
(Please mark which period(s), you are available to attend. If you are available both periods, check both.)  May 5 to June 30, 2022
 July 4 to August 29, 2022
Please write a summary (500 characters max. including spaces) about your artistic practice and your proposal referring to the outlined theme of the fellowship program.

I have included the following materials:
 Text describing the intended project or research.
 Short résumé including education, exhibitions, readings and projects.
 For artists only: Max. 10 examples of recent work. Please make sure that there is a written description of the work samples, either below the documentation or in an additional list.
 For authors only: 1 to max. 3 recent text samples.
Place, Date:

PARTICIPATION: Artists and authors living in Greece can apply (individually or jointly) by submitting their completed application documents before the deadline. With their signature, the applicant confirms that if they are chosen by the jury, they can and will spend the residency period in Leipzig (Germany).
RESIDENCY DATES: May 5 to June 30, 2022 (1st Residency period), July 4 to August 29, 2022 (2nd Residency period)
STIPEND & ACCOMMODATIONS: This call includes 2 residencies of 8 weeks each. Awardees will be accommodated in a studio in HALLE 14 and receive a total stipend of 2,000 euro. Awardees are responsible for telephone expenses and health insurance costs during their stay in Leipzig and must have an insurance for damages to third parties (liability insurance).
LANGUAGES: The language of application process is English. English will also be the language for correspondence, meetings and publications. Applicants should have a solid grasp of this language. The only exception to this is the option for authors to submit work samples in Greek (see application materials).
TRAVEL COSTS: Travel costs will be covered up to a maximum of 500 euro upon presentation of appropriate receipts. Additional costs are the responsibility of the awardees.
1. Fully completed and signed application form including a short summary of your proposal (500 characters including spaces)
2. Text describing the proposed work. Maximum 1 standard text page (DIN A4 or US letter) in a font-size of at least 10 points, saved as PDF, DOC or RTF. Name the file: lastname-firstname-proposal
3. Overview of education, exhibitions or readings and projects. Maximum 1 standard text page (DIN A4 page or US letter page) in a font-size of at least 10 points saved as PDF, DOC or RTF. Name the file: lastname-firstname-cv
4. Maximum 10 examples of recent work. Please send your work examples in the following formats only:
Digital images as JPG, PDF or TIFF (total no larger than 10 MB)
Video files as MPEG4 or audio files as MP3 (total running time should not exceed 10 min and 500 MB).
Name and number the files: lastname-firstname-01, lastname-firstname-02, etc.
Please make sure that there is a written description of your work samples (title, year, technique, context), either below the digital images or in an additional list. If this list will be an additional file, it should have maximum one standard text page (DIN A4 page or US letter page) in a font-size of at least 10 points saved as PDF, DOC or RTF. Name the file: lastname-firstname-works
4. 1 to maximum 3 published or unpublished work samples (extracts or complete texts) in Greek and/or English on 15 to 20 standard text pages maximum (DIN A4 page or US letter page) in a font-size of at least 12 points, 30 standard lines with 60 characters per line saved as PDF, DOC or RTF. Name the file: lastname-firstname-01,…
Please save all files in one ZIP file.
Do not send emails larger than 15 MB! If your files are larger, please send your application via download link.
Applications sent after the submission deadline will not be accepted.
JURY: The jury will meet in March 2022. The jury’s decision is legally binding; there is no recourse to legal action and no explanation of her decision will be given.
NOTIFICATION: The receipt of applications cannot be acknowledged. Applicants will be informed by e-mail after the jury meeting.
DATA PROTECTION: The applicant confirms that the above-mentioned and submitted data may be used, saved and processed as part of the selection process for the Leipzig-Thessaloniki 2022 exchange program. HALLE 14 will only use this data in the context of this selection process. The data will only be made accessible to persons who are directly responsible for the selection and implementation of the procedure. After the procedure is complete, the data will be deleted. The applicant can withdraw this consent at any time.
COVID: The project partners are aware of the challenges for artistic exchange and residencies due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic. All partners have decided to open the exchange program for 2022 knowing that changes may be required by regulations and restrictions aiming to hinder the spread of infection. A realization of the residency program as outlined in this call cannot be guaranteed. Despite this unique historical situation, we hope to enable cultural exchange and to find the best possible solution in cooperation with the awardees.


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